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When a Math Error Blows up the Entire Filed Tax

when-a-math-error-blows-up-the-entire-filed-taxImportant documents require a flawless application especially if errors can have consequences. Documents and transactions with the government require thorough preparation to ensure no room for mistakes. Otherwise, the person or parties involved may find themselves fined or considered fraud.

Tax filing is a prime example of a critical transaction that we have with the government, and we do this relatively often throughout our lives. While there are many resources online and offline that can equip people to file for their taxes, professionals such as an Accountant in Ohio can bring a ton of benefits. Ultimately, the choice is within your hands.

As your trusted Tax Accountant, we have seen how individuals and organizations actually perform when it comes to filing their taxes. Despite all efforts, mistakes remain in the submission.

Did you know that one of the most common errors spotted by the IRS is “math errors”? In April of this year, the IRS released 9.4 million math error notices. Imagine how many submissions were put on hold and taxpayers were required to update or redo their filing because of mistakes that could have been prevented.

Yes, math errors can be prevented as these are only simple mistakes addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. Sometimes, the wrong number is selected from a tax schedule, or the digits are misplaced.

Count on our professional Accounting & Bookkeeping Services to review your submissions.

Damawa Tax & Accounting Services, LLC also provides comprehensive Financial Management in Whitehall, Ohio for you, your family, and your business. Connect with us anytime!

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